
title: Playing with the void - Situationistic urban vision using the example of urban art to participative urban development. Case study Halle (Saale).

author: Hendryk von Busse

discipline: Urban and space planning (Technische Universität Dortmund, december 2011)

abstract: What happens, if you combine Germany‘s most emptiest quarter with the potentials of urban art? Can graffiti be an impulse for developing a long forgotten part of town? Is street art welcome as cultural event in a shrinking city? The work of the urban planner, who came from Dortmund to Halle for the case study, is a visionary and creative approach to shrinking cities and growing free space – a thought experiment, that laid the foundation for Freiraumgalerie.


title: Children and adolescents in public urban spaces - Social and spatial perspectives on the construction of space and possibilities of acquisition in Halle Freiimfelde.

author: Ina Treihse

discipline: Teaching for special education (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, july 2013; awarded with Forschungsförderpreis der Philosophischen Fakultät III of MLU in June 2014)

abstract: Which possibilities do children and adolescents have in Freiimfelde to shape their recreation and which places do they use? To what extent do the perspectives on space of adults working with these kids in schools, youth clubs or Freiraumgalerie differ from the ones of children and adolescents? Urban social and socio-pedagogical thoughts are considered, just as perceptions of local children and adult actors.


title: Fear and awe - Social construction of fear in Detroit.

author: Kyrill Hirner

discipline: Cultural anthropology (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2016)

abstract: On the basis of detailed field studies, this ethnological thesis questions the mechanisms of constructing fear and safety in public spaces of Detroit (Michigan). How do people attribute their surroundings to „safety“ and „danger“? What do people pay attention to, when they act in everyday contexts, that count as criminal and potentially dangerous? And finally: how can perceived safety be increased for all user groups?


title: Designing residential environment as method of participation - Workshops and murals of Freiraumgalerie in Halle-Neustadt

author: Philipp Kienast

discipline: International area studies (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, november 2018)

abstract: The thesis documents the activities of Freiraumgalerie project ha:neo as a part of Zukunftsstadt competition and questions the functions of murals as well as the conditions for successful workshops. The author evaluates the project‘s methodical work and explains actual results in the light of Halle-Neustadt‘s traditions of design and urban planning.


“Filling Empty Spaces with Art”

author: Ina Treihse

This issue of “infodienst” – The Magazine for Cultural Education” deals with the question of “Cultural land grabbing: How subversive are urban arts?” In our article “Filling Empty Spaces with Art” we present the work of the Freiraumgalerie since 2012 and focus on our Summerschool, a workshop week during which young people transformed public space in the summer of 2019.


Kirsten Fründt, Ralf Laumer (Hrsg), 2019: Mitreden: So gelingt kommunale Bürgerbeteiligung - ein Ratgeber aus der Praxis.

author: Ina Treihse

“This volume brings together the wealth of experience of practitioners from local government, political bodies and the service sector – all of whom have participated in projects of municipal civic participation.” In our contribution to the anthology we focus on the development process of the civic neighbourhood concept for Halle Freiimfelde, its opportunities and challenges.

ISBN 978-3-96-317-158-1, Büchnerverlag, 18€

Munich Forum

author: Kyrill Hirner

For “Standpunkte”, the magazine of the Munich Forum for Urban Development, this article deals with the question of what potential street art and urban art represent in all their breadth. How does street art determine urban atmospheres, how do murals influence the surrounding space, what role does the responsiveness of the artist* play?


title: Graffiti workshops as method for establishing skills in grammar school art education.

author: Sebastian Höger

discipline: Teaching for grammar schools (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, september 2013)

abstract: The art pedagogue implemented surveys with pupils and experts on the basis of graffiti workshops. The potentials of graffiti workshops for establishing skills and sensitivities are illustrated by theoretical examinations and synergies of different perspectives.